Thursday, September 29, 2005

Don't Put Words In My Mouth

I know this is only my second post and I'm returning to yet the same subject, my son. When I really think about life with him I can't help but reflect on the things I learn on a daily basis.

We have recently returned from a mini vacation to Iowa... (yes, Iowa!) corn, corn, and more corn. However, we made a unexpected stop, The St.Francis Xavier Basilica in Dyersville, Iowa. We had to take turns going in because of the kids. Instead of going in alone, I decided to ask my 3 year old if he wanted to go with me. Of course he said yes, anything to get out of that awful car seat. As we walked in I realized it was a few minutes before Sat night mass and I had a small child who had never been in a church quite like this one.(not so sure what he might do) The church was a magnificent place, something you might see in Europe (yes, in Iowa!). I think we were a little awe struck by its beauty. We both responded with complete silence(a very difficult thing to do for this child). As we moved to the front we observed many people kneeling and praying. We sat down and I asked Will if he wanted to pray and immediately he bowed his head and clasped his fingers as if he had been there before and began praying. It was a very short prayer, but very specific and to the point.

Dear God,
Please help those individuals who were affected by the hurricane and the tsunami and thank you for sending your Son to be on that cross. In His name.

I looked at him and thought what an interesting way to word a prayer for a 3 year old and then realized this was the way his daddy prayed. For a split second I thought about asking him to change his words, thinking he needed to use his own words, not daddy's, but I stopped myself.(thank God) Later that day I thought more about his prayer and realized he was repeating what was modeled for him. My mind immediately went to Matthew 5 and the prayer Christ taught His disciples.

Our Father who art in heaven
hallowed be Your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread
forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever

For a moment I thought we were putting words into Will's mouth. But wasn't that what Christ did for me. He gave me the words, the guideline, the example. Most of the time my prayers are so shallow, all about me. Lord, remind me to meditate on your words and not my own.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Who's Teaching Who

Life with Will is always an interesting one. Everyday I find God using this little man to teach me many things and today was one of those days. As parents we find ourselves doing anything we can to teach our children we sometimes say and do things before thinking which a lot of times seem to back fire, but today was a different story.

The art of the meltdown is something that every 3 year old knows well and with my little man not being an exception. At the beginning of the week I had a brilliant idea, no TV for a week(every mother knows I'm out of my mind). What was I thinking. All I did know was that every time my child became engrossed in a show he became either a zombie or an addict waiting for his next fix. With that said I knew I needed to do something. The first day was easy, no shows all day. Now he had no idea what I was doing because we were so busy he had no time to think about it and I conveniently forgot to tell him. It was the 2nd day when the volcano erupted. When he was told there was no TV, but what fun you can have with all of your wonderful toys and books. The tears came and came and came and in the middle I said something that got his attention immediately(which caught me off guard), I said "we're fasting from the TV this week." His eyes looked in my direction wanting to hear more and with questions flying out so quickly I could hardly answer fast enough. "What's fasting?" I began to explain in a very 3 year old kind of way, a time we do without something so that we can focus on God. I continued to say that many people fast from food, but we were fasting from the TV. He interjected, but this is to hard and began to cry again. I explained that it is in the difficult times like this that God wants to hear from us and be close to us so He can comfort and love us. I told him that he could tell God that this hurts and I can't do this alone. I asked him if he wanted to find a quiet place in our house to go and be with God. Now mind you I thought this was going in one ear and out the other, but immediately he turned around and ran to his room. I could hear him talking to God, I'm not sure what he was saying, but he came running back into the room with his favorite dog(Brownie) with a joy that I can not explain and with a smile like no other. Later that day he said I'm not crying anymore mommy, God answered my prayer. From that point on his focus had changed. I thought to myself am I willing to immediately go to God with my hurts, struggles, and challenges. The answer unfortunately is no. There was no question in Will's mind that God hears him. Do I believe God hears me. Today I say yes, but tomorrow what will I think. Hopefully, I can remember how quickly Will ran to the Father.