Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Who Needs The ABC Song

Who needs the ABC song when you can listen to Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues. We love to introduce all kinds of music to our kids, but who knew that Pierson's new favorite song would be this one (his Dad would have). As soon as the song begins to play, Pierson does a little chicken dance and can't stop laughing and clapping his hands. I know his Dad has always thought Dylan was great, but this was a little hard to believe. I guess going from the poetry of Eugene Field(Wynken, Blynken, and Nod) to the poetry of Bob Dylan isn't so bad (Hey whatever works to make the kid happy). Not only do I have to get my fill of Dylan from Barry, but now the other two boys in the house love him as well. By the way, Will thinks he is Bob Dylan. His new favorite song, Mr. Tambourine Man, imagine that on repeat. I guess I should join the band wagon, I always have been a follower or maybe I don't really have a choice.

1 comment:

ajreed said...

Will and Pierson are so cute!! I'm going to be in Texas by May 14th. I'd be tired of the cold too! :)