Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Few Favorite Things

Whenever we travel with our kids we like to ask the question, "What was your favorite thing?" So our recent trip was no different. We spent 7 days in Ca. We visited San Francisco, Yosemite, and Big Sur. An awesome trip. We asked our 2 year old the question and his answer was the Golden Gate Bridge. The answer might have had something to do with the fact that we spent a large portion of one day trying to get to the bridge. Someone in our family (not naming any names) had this great idea of riding bikes from Fishermen's Warf to the Golden Gate Bridge (it looked so close). The bike rental place had in big letters "Bike the Bridge", so we thought this should be no problem for us (remember there are four of us). What the rental place had not taken into account were two very out of shape adults, a 2yr old in a trailer, and a five year old who was just beyond the weight limit for his seat on the back of his dad's bike. The rental place also left out some very important info - it was about 8 miles or so to the bridge up hill with headwinds. It was certainly a moment (how about many many many moments) to show our kids what perseverance looked like (or maybe stupidity). We made it across the bridge in hopes to take the ferry from Sausalito, what the bike rental people failed to tell us (seems like a pattern with them) was it too was all up hill with a trip through a dark tunnel with oncoming traffic and then crossing the freeway. After some inquiring of other bicyclist (all said they would not go that way especially if you want to make it to the ferry alive) and a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, we decided to go back the way we came. The trip back was a breeze except for the fact we had to move Will into the trailer (with his brother - a little to close for comfort) since his bike seat was broken. Barry and I switched bikes. Barry's bike was a wee bit to big, I could barely touch the peddles (did I mention that I was wearing flip flops - now that's a true bicyclist for you). Barry's experience was little different - imagine a 6ft tall man peddling a bike for a very short woman and pulling behind him an extra 75 pounds or so. It was quite the sight. I laughed most of the way back. So to our surprise it was great to hear Pierson say this was his favorite thing about the trip. Looking back on the trip we wouldn't have done it any different. (By the way, the map the rental people gave was pretty crappy too)

We continued to have a great time - camping, big big big trees, hiking, ocean, desert, ocean cliffs. We were awestruck at the beauty of God's creation. Since I included Pierson's favorite thing I thought I would include my favorite things.


Laura Rhea said...

What an amazing trip!!!! It sounds like you saw and did it all! (though maybe could have done without the bike ride? ;) seriously...what an awesome memory! I'm sure the boys-and you-- will never forget it!) I was cracking up reading about it, alternating with deep sighs and headshakes of pity!
I loved getting to see your pictures, too! I'm so glad y'all had a good time!

Unknown said...

This story is hilarious ... I'm glad you got to laugh through it! :)