Sunday, June 18, 2006

God Is Good!!!!

We are in the process of buying our first house after ten years of marriage, two kids, and school (college,seminary, & PhD). It feels awesome to say that in a few weeks we have some place to call our own. It is truly amazing how it has all worked out, just finding the house was an answer to prayer. As I take a step back to see how God has worked, it is unbelievable. From the list of silly extras that I thought "wouldn't it be nice if"- nice grass, porch, swing set, a place to plant a garden. These were all those things that I thought surely for what we could spend, it was a pipe dream. Well, watch out, if God knows, he can make it happen. I keep telling Barry, this God of ours, "He's a crazy guy." The house has everything we were looking for!

Every time I turn around God is showing Himself in a big way. I spoke with the listing agent about the house and before I could get my question out she says, "we've been praying for you." My mouth drops open. You've got to be kidding me, a real estate agent praying for our family. She then begins to tell us about the family we were buying the house from and the blessing this was to them. I was just happy to have a sweet little house, but to hear this just gave me goose bumps all over. God does work in mysterious ways. Since that conversation God has continued to show himself.

Here in Wheaton every Sunday people put out on their curbs anything/s they have no need for (not the trash- real stuff) and people like us just happen upon it. With buying our new house there are lots of extras. We needed a washing machine and there was one on someone's curb. Barry spoke with the owner who had prayed the night before that someone who needed it would come by and pick it up, and we did. We needed something for a television (one of my "wouldn't it be nice God if we had"). I didn't need much, just something small to hide a television (out of sight out of mind for Will), well we found exactly that on someone's curb.

There are probably other things that I'm missing, but I guess those are the highlights of God in action. In spite of God's apparent desire to be involved in my life, I still find myself fearful that God is not listening. Hopefully, with events like these I can be reminded of His goodness. We have a God who love's us so deeply and is involved in every "little" detail. This reminds me of a little song Will loves to sing:
My God is so Big
so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God can not do.
For you
The mountains are His. The valleys are His.
The stars are His handiwork too.
My God is so Big
so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God can not do.
For you

1 comment:

amykberger said...

I'd say that house-buying/selling times have been the most anxious, tearful, over a period of weeks and months, wringers that we've ever endured.

Never do I get more tense than about all those details... the papers here, the financing there, the buyer, seller, realtors, loan officer, insurer, inspector dance that seems so precarious.

But, every time, God proves his faithfulness in mighty, mighty waves like the "Wow!"s you've described. Every time.

I think he delights in astounding us, that crazy God of ours.

Ken and I are rejoicing with you!