Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Heroes

Barry and I were asked to give our life story in our Sunday School class this morning and in the process of preparing, the subject of heroes came up. There were a lot of guys in Barry's life that he could quickly identify from his past that affected his life, but for me I felt like it wasn't so easy. I felt like I had somewhat of a deficit in this area. I continued to think about this question, Who are my heroes? What women or woman has impacted my life? I became envious of those relationships in my husbands life until I thought about something. What about the women currently in my life. As I thought about the women around me, I was amazed. I don't think as women we support and encourage each other enough. So here's a list of women that are currently impacting my life. I hope I don't forget anyone.

My Mom: Faithful & Loyal- A lifelong example of what these two things mean-till the end!
My Mother-in-law: She truly is my Naomi
Amy: You are amazing. You never give up. You are an example for us all. You inspire me with your life. What a dynamo.
Donna: Precious friend, committed mother, faithful to her family (she works hard for the money!) What perseverance looks like
Lea: Precious friend-You Rock as a mom-God created you for motherhood
My moms group:(Karen, Lisa, Steph, Crystel, Sherri, Jen) How could I have made it without you. You accept me the way I am. Fantastic mothers who pursue the best for their children. These women have lives that will continue to impact my life. Brave, faithful, committed, thoughtful women the list could go on forever.
Gail: A Mentor and friend - Can I be like you when I grow up?
Julie: Great Mom - Can I say Martha Stewart? You are awesome at what you do. I hope to "creatively borrow" (steal) your ideas. Awesome friend

There are so many women in my life that add to who I am every single day. I hope as a woman I can continue to build up the women around me and encourage them to be who God has created them to be. Does anyone else out there have women who are currently impacting their lives?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I have to say that I have lots. Too many to write about on a comment. Ya know. I am surrounded by awesome women. My mom, who I talk to almost everyday, my "bestie" - Anna, my two "older and wiser" friends - Kathy and Cindy. I have come to realize that having a LOT of girlfriends is not as important as the QUALITY of friends that you have. I am VERY blessed to have such a great support system of girlfriends around me.